Let's reach the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for renewable energy by decarbonising and democratising electricity
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Planet Ark Power is a clean energy engineering and technology company and partner of Planet Ark. We are working together to support and accelerate Australia’s transition to renewable energy sources by supplying original technologies and large-scale rooftop solar to businesses and schools. Planet Ark Power can find you a beneficial solar program and offer tips on how to best utilise the sun’s energy.
Planet Ark Power provides cleaner energy at a lower cost to you and the planet. Plus, a percentage of Planet Ark Power's revenue goes towards supporting other Planet Ark programs promoting a carbon-neutral and circular economy.
Rethinking our electricity sources is a vital part of transitioning to low-carbon lifestyles. We need to make the switch from fossil-fuel dependent energy to renewable sources if we are to avoid warming the climate by 2°C.
Goal number 7 of the UNDP's Sustainable Development Goals is affordable and clean energy access. Solar energy sources are one of the main ways we can reduce our carbon footprint, and with an abundance of sun Australia is well-positioned to excel in this space.
Planet Ark Power focuses on large-scale urban solar installations on buildings such as warehouses, businesses and schools. This means the energy is generated right where it is needed and with the help of Planet Ark Power’s award-winning eleXsys technology, any surplus energy can be exported into the electricity grid. So, the local school can also be the local power plant, sharing clean energy with their community!
Planet Ark Power solar installation at Cranbourne Park Primary School
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