Terms and conditions - the fine print
Planet Ark Environmental Foundation respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection under the National Privacy Principles in regulating how we collect, use and disclose and hold your personal information.
Planet Ark Environmental Foundation respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection under the Australian Privacy Principles in regulating how we collect, use and disclose and hold your personal information.
Planet Ark collects personal information such as name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address and date of birth - information individuals have supplied for us. Planet Ark may also collect personal information from publicly available sources such as the telephone directory.
We collect your personal information when you voluntarily provide it to Planet Ark in a number of ways, such as through donations, online, taking part in an event, in all ways that you interact with Planet Ark.
Planet Ark uses the information to communicate with you on a regular basis, through opt-in newsletters, or in relation to your participation in our campaigns and provide you with updates on our campaigns.
If you would rather not receive this information, please contact
Planet Ark Environmental Foundation PO Box R988 Royal Exchange NSW 1225 Australia
We will always offer you an opportunity to OPT-OUT of receiving communications from Planet Ark and we will ensure your details are excluded from all internal marketing lists and future campaigns.
Planet Ark does not share your information with any other organisation.
Whenever we contact you, you will be given an opportunity to opt-out of receiving such offers. However if you do take advantage of any offer from a third party organisation, they may send further offers to you directly.
Planet Ark takes reasonable steps to ensure that personal details are accurate, complete and up-to-date when we use or collect such details.
All personal information is held under secure conditions with access restricted to authorised staff only.
Planet Ark Environmental Foundation uses secure server software (SSL) that is the industry standard and is among the best software available for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, name and address so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet.Donations are processed through a secure third party service. Planet Ark does not record credit card details.
Donations to Planet Ark Environmental Foundation are voluntary and non refundable. Products endorsed by Planet Ark are produced and sold by their respective manufacturers and distributors, and are subject to the return and refund policies of those third parties.
If you want to change any information that you have previously given us, or if you want to opt out of future communications please contact :
Planet Ark Environmental Foundation Ltd PO Box R988 Royal Exchange NSW 1225 Australia
This policy is available upon request. It will be reviewed from time to time and any amendments will be included in the updated policy.
For further information about the privacy policy contact our privacy officer using our contact page or posting a letter to the address stated above.
We do not collect personal information from our visitors other than what is supplied to us on a voluntary basis. Planet Ark Environmental Foundation analyses our website logs to constantly improve the value of the content available on our website. Information in our website logs is not personally identifiable and we make no attempt to link that information with the individuals that browse our site.
Planet Ark Environmental Foundation uses secure server software (SSL) that is the industry standard and is among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, name and address so that it can not be read as the information travels over the Internet. Planet Ark does not store credit card numbers on any of its websites or databases. Credit Cards are processed through secure third party services and are not recorder by Planet Ark. Transaction records held by e-commerce transaction facilities are held under secure conditions with access restricted to authorised staff only.
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