Everyday Enviro with Elise: Seeds for Snapper - restoring ocean life, one seagrass seed at a time

Everyday Enviro with Elise: Seeds for Snapper - restoring ocean life, one seagrass seed at a time

By Elise Catterall  January 18th, 2024

This week, Elise talks about a community-driven program in South Australia dedicated to preserving ocean health, inspiring us to become active participants in ocean conservation.


It isn’t news that our oceans are facing unprecedented challenges. Climate change, pollution, and overfishing have taken a toll on marine ecosystems and large areas of seagrass, called “meadows” are particularly vulnerable - and particularly important. These underwater meadows play a vital role in ocean health, providing food and shelter for countless species, filtering pollutants, and protecting coastlines from erosion.

According to ozcoasts.org.au, Australia has approximately 51,000 square kilometre of seagrass meadows, comprising the most diverse array of seagrass species in the world. Sadly, seagrass meadows have declined significantly over the past century and are declining at a rate of around 7 per cent annually. And the main causes are all from human interference - pollution, coastal development, and anchor damage.

Despite these sad state of affairs, there are glimmers of hope. One glimmer is an Australian initiative called Seeds for Snapper, a community-driven program restoring seagrass meadows in South Australia. Led by OzFish Unlimited, a non-profit organisation dedicated to sustainable fishing practices, Seeds for Snapper empowers us to become active participants in ocean conservation.

The initiative revolves around the Posidonia Australis, a seagrass species found along the Australian coast. Meadows of Posidonia Australia provide critical nursery grounds for juvenile snapper. However, habitat degradation has led to a decline in snapper populations, impacting both the ecosystem and the livelihoods of fishers.

Seeds for Snapper tackles this challenge head-on by collecting Posidonia Australis fruits, which float to the surface during the late spring and summer months. Volunteers, from beachcombers to recreational fishers, play a crucial role in gathering these fruits. The collected fruits are then processed, and the seeds extracted.

These seeds are then dispersed back into the ocean at carefully chosen restoration sites. This can be done by divers planting the seeds directly on the seabed or by deploying specially designed hessian bags filled with seeds. Over time, the seeds germinate and grow into lush seagrass meadows, creating a thriving habitat for marine life. This YouTube video from OzFish Unlimited gives a great overview.

Seeds for Snapper's impact extends far beyond restoring seagrass meadows. The initiative fosters a sense of community and empowers individuals to take ownership of their local marine environment. By actively participating in restoration efforts, volunteers gain a deeper understanding of the delicate balance of our oceans and the importance of protecting them.

Since its inception in 2015, Seeds for Snapper has achieved remarkable success. Over 1.2 million seeds dispersed have been planted across Australia, with projects ongoing in Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, and Adelaide, South Australia. The initiative has also inspired similar programs in other parts of the world, demonstrating the power of community-driven ocean conservation.

The story of Seeds for Snapper is a testament to the power of collective action. By working together, individuals can make a real difference in protecting our oceans and the incredible life they support. Visit https://ozfish.org.au/events/list/ for information about how you can get involved.


Positive Actions

Elise Catterall

Elise is a writer, photographer, and naturopath with a passion for nature. She completed a Master of Public Health in 2017 through the University of Sydney. Her photographic work focuses on flowers and plants as a way of celebrating nature. She has been writing for Planet Ark since 2017, sharing positive environment stories, personal environmental experiences and perspectives.

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