Australian students dance to end the drought

Australian students dance to end the drought

By Liam Taylor  December 16th, 2019

Thousands of students from more than 600 schools across Australia danced in the face of drought last week to ‘bust the dust’.


Thousands of students from more than 600 schools across Australia danced in the face of drought last week to ‘bust the dust’. 

The movement was inspired by students from St John’s Parish Primary School in Trangie, central western NSW. Nineteen students from the school motivated by a goal to “raise spirits in drought-stricken areas” created a video of them doing a dance called “Bust The Dust” this week.

The primary aim of the dance, video and accompanying #BustTheDust hashtag is to give school communities around Australia a way to show their support for rural areas affected by the drought. Triangie itself has a population of just over 1,000 people and has been in drought since mid-2017, meaning the students have an acute understanding of drought’s negative impacts.

“All the students are affected by this drought in some way,” Emma Wilson, the students’ teacher, told The Sydney Morning Herald.

“They see the ways it affects our community and just want to do something positive.” 

Before long the video was going viral and schools across the country began signing up to support drought-affected communities with their own versions of the raindance. Yet another occasion where the youth is leading the way and a great show of solidarity with those struggling with drought around Australia. 


Positive Action

  • Register to hold your own “Bust the Dust” raindance event with Rural Aid and get your boogie on to support those affected by drought.
  • If you want to do more than dance, donate to Buy a Bale to support Australia’s rural communities.
  • With severe drought conditions affecting much of Australia, it’s up to all of us to be waterwise and cut back on our usage where possible. For advice, read up on our Water Saving Tips.


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By Liam Taylor

Prior to joining Planet Ark Liam spent his time studying global environmental issues, travelling Southeast Asia on the cheap and working for a sustainable property management company in Bali, Indonesia. Joining the communications team at Planet Ark, he hopes to inspire positive environmental behaviour through effective and positive messaging.

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